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API Reference


Package v1 contains API Schema definitions for the ray v1 API group

Resource Types


AutoscalerOptions specifies optional configuration for the Ray autoscaler.

Appears in: - RayClusterSpec

Field Description Default Validation
resources ResourceRequirements Resources specifies optional resource request and limit overrides for the autoscaler container.
Default values: 500m CPU request and limit. 512Mi memory request and limit.
image string Image optionally overrides the autoscaler's container image. This override is for provided for autoscaler testing and development.
imagePullPolicy PullPolicy ImagePullPolicy optionally overrides the autoscaler container's image pull policy. This override is for provided for autoscaler testing and development.
securityContext SecurityContext SecurityContext defines the security options the container should be run with.
If set, the fields of SecurityContext override the equivalent fields of PodSecurityContext.
More info:
idleTimeoutSeconds integer IdleTimeoutSeconds is the number of seconds to wait before scaling down a worker pod which is not using Ray resources.
Defaults to 60 (one minute). It is not read by the KubeRay operator but by the Ray autoscaler.
upscalingMode UpscalingMode UpscalingMode is "Conservative", "Default", or "Aggressive."
Conservative: Upscaling is rate-limited; the number of pending worker pods is at most the size of the Ray cluster.
Default: Upscaling is not rate-limited.
Aggressive: An alias for Default; upscaling is not rate-limited.
It is not read by the KubeRay operator but by the Ray autoscaler.
Enum: [Default Aggressive Conservative]
env EnvVar array Optional list of environment variables to set in the autoscaler container.
envFrom EnvFromSource array Optional list of sources to populate environment variables in the autoscaler container.
volumeMounts VolumeMount array Optional list of volumeMounts. This is needed for enabling TLS for the autoscaler container.


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - RayJobSpec


GcsFaultToleranceOptions contains configs for GCS FT

Appears in: - RayClusterSpec

Field Description Default Validation
redisUsername RedisCredential
redisPassword RedisCredential
externalStorageNamespace string
redisAddress string


HeadGroupSpec are the spec for the head pod

Appears in: - RayClusterSpec

Field Description Default Validation
serviceType ServiceType ServiceType is Kubernetes service type of the head service. it will be used by the workers to connect to the head pod
headService Service HeadService is the Kubernetes service of the head pod.
enableIngress boolean EnableIngress indicates whether operator should create ingress object for head service or not.
rayStartParams object (keys:string, values:string) RayStartParams are the params of the start command: node-manager-port, object-store-memory, ...
template PodTemplateSpec Template is the exact pod template used in K8s depoyments, statefulsets, etc.


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - RayJobSpec


RayCluster is the Schema for the RayClusters API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string RayCluster
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec RayClusterSpec Specification of the desired behavior of the RayCluster.


RayClusterSpec defines the desired state of RayCluster

Appears in: - RayCluster - RayJobSpec - RayServiceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
suspend boolean Suspend indicates whether a RayCluster should be suspended.
A suspended RayCluster will have head pods and worker pods deleted.
managedBy string ManagedBy is an optional configuration for the controller or entity that manages a RayCluster.
The value must be either '' or ''.
The kuberay-operator reconciles a RayCluster which doesn't have this field at all or
the field value is the reserved string '',
but delegates reconciling the RayCluster with '' to the Kueue.
The field is immutable.
autoscalerOptions AutoscalerOptions AutoscalerOptions specifies optional configuration for the Ray autoscaler.
headServiceAnnotations object (keys:string, values:string)
enableInTreeAutoscaling boolean EnableInTreeAutoscaling indicates whether operator should create in tree autoscaling configs
gcsFaultToleranceOptions GcsFaultToleranceOptions GcsFaultToleranceOptions for enabling GCS FT
headGroupSpec HeadGroupSpec HeadGroupSpec is the spec for the head pod
rayVersion string RayVersion is used to determine the command for the Kubernetes Job managed by RayJob
workerGroupSpecs WorkerGroupSpec array WorkerGroupSpecs are the specs for the worker pods


RayJob is the Schema for the rayjobs API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string RayJob
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec RayJobSpec


RayJobSpec defines the desired state of RayJob

Appears in: - RayJob

Field Description Default Validation
activeDeadlineSeconds integer ActiveDeadlineSeconds is the duration in seconds that the RayJob may be active before
KubeRay actively tries to terminate the RayJob; value must be positive integer.
backoffLimit integer Specifies the number of retries before marking this job failed.
Each retry creates a new RayCluster.
rayClusterSpec RayClusterSpec RayClusterSpec is the cluster template to run the job
submitterPodTemplate PodTemplateSpec SubmitterPodTemplate is the template for the pod that will run ray job submit.
metadata object (keys:string, values:string) Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
clusterSelector object (keys:string, values:string) clusterSelector is used to select running rayclusters by labels
submitterConfig SubmitterConfig Configurations of submitter k8s job.
managedBy string ManagedBy is an optional configuration for the controller or entity that manages a RayJob.
The value must be either '' or ''.
The kuberay-operator reconciles a RayJob which doesn't have this field at all or
the field value is the reserved string '',
but delegates reconciling the RayJob with '' to the Kueue.
The field is immutable.
deletionPolicy DeletionPolicy DeletionPolicy indicates what resources of the RayJob are deleted upon job completion.
Valid values are 'DeleteCluster', 'DeleteWorkers', 'DeleteSelf' or 'DeleteNone'.
If unset, deletion policy is based on 'spec.shutdownAfterJobFinishes'.
This field requires the RayJobDeletionPolicy feature gate to be enabled.
entrypoint string Entrypoint represents the command to start execution.
runtimeEnvYAML string RuntimeEnvYAML represents the runtime environment configuration
provided as a multi-line YAML string.
jobId string If jobId is not set, a new jobId will be auto-generated.
submissionMode JobSubmissionMode SubmissionMode specifies how RayJob submits the Ray job to the RayCluster.
In "K8sJobMode", the KubeRay operator creates a submitter Kubernetes Job to submit the Ray job.
In "HTTPMode", the KubeRay operator sends a request to the RayCluster to create a Ray job.
In "InteractiveMode", the KubeRay operator waits for a user to submit a job to the Ray cluster.
entrypointResources string EntrypointResources specifies the custom resources and quantities to reserve for the
entrypoint command.
entrypointNumCpus float EntrypointNumCpus specifies the number of cpus to reserve for the entrypoint command.
entrypointNumGpus float EntrypointNumGpus specifies the number of gpus to reserve for the entrypoint command.
ttlSecondsAfterFinished integer TTLSecondsAfterFinished is the TTL to clean up RayCluster.
It's only working when ShutdownAfterJobFinishes set to true.
shutdownAfterJobFinishes boolean ShutdownAfterJobFinishes will determine whether to delete the ray cluster once rayJob succeed or failed.
suspend boolean suspend specifies whether the RayJob controller should create a RayCluster instance
If a job is applied with the suspend field set to true,
the RayCluster will not be created and will wait for the transition to false.
If the RayCluster is already created, it will be deleted.
In case of transition to false a new RayCluster will be created.


RayService is the Schema for the rayservices API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string RayService
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec RayServiceSpec


RayServiceSpec defines the desired state of RayService

Appears in: - RayService

Field Description Default Validation
serviceUnhealthySecondThreshold integer Deprecated: This field is not used anymore. ref:
deploymentUnhealthySecondThreshold integer Deprecated: This field is not used anymore. ref:
serveService Service ServeService is the Kubernetes service for head node and worker nodes who have healthy http proxy to serve traffics.
upgradeStrategy RayServiceUpgradeStrategy UpgradeStrategy defines the scaling policy used when upgrading the RayService.
serveConfigV2 string Important: Run "make" to regenerate code after modifying this file
Defines the applications and deployments to deploy, should be a YAML multi-line scalar string.
rayClusterConfig RayClusterSpec
excludeHeadPodFromServeSvc boolean If the field is set to true, the value of the label on the head Pod should always be false.
Therefore, the head Pod's endpoint will not be added to the Kubernetes Serve service.


Appears in: - RayServiceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
type RayServiceUpgradeType Type represents the strategy used when upgrading the RayService. Currently supports NewCluster and None.


Underlying type: string

Appears in: - RayServiceUpgradeStrategy


RedisCredential is the redis username/password or a reference to the source containing the username/password

Appears in: - GcsFaultToleranceOptions

Field Description Default Validation
valueFrom EnvVarSource
value string


ScaleStrategy to remove workers

Appears in: - WorkerGroupSpec

Field Description Default Validation
workersToDelete string array WorkersToDelete workers to be deleted


Appears in: - RayJobSpec

Field Description Default Validation
backoffLimit integer BackoffLimit of the submitter k8s job.


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [Default Aggressive Conservative]

Appears in: - AutoscalerOptions


WorkerGroupSpec are the specs for the worker pods

Appears in: - RayClusterSpec

Field Description Default Validation
suspend boolean Suspend indicates whether a worker group should be suspended.
A suspended worker group will have all pods deleted.
This is not a user-facing API and is only used by RayJob DeletionPolicy.
groupName string we can have multiple worker groups, we distinguish them by name
replicas integer Replicas is the number of desired Pods for this worker group. See for more details about the reason for making this field optional. 0
minReplicas integer MinReplicas denotes the minimum number of desired Pods for this worker group. 0
maxReplicas integer MaxReplicas denotes the maximum number of desired Pods for this worker group, and the default value is maxInt32. 2147483647
idleTimeoutSeconds integer IdleTimeoutSeconds denotes the number of seconds to wait before the v2 autoscaler terminates an idle worker pod of this type.
This value is only used with the Ray Autoscaler enabled and defaults to the value set by the AutoscalingConfig if not specified for this worker group.
rayStartParams object (keys:string, values:string) RayStartParams are the params of the start command: address, object-store-memory, ...
template PodTemplateSpec Template is a pod template for the worker
scaleStrategy ScaleStrategy ScaleStrategy defines which pods to remove
numOfHosts integer NumOfHosts denotes the number of hosts to create per replica. The default value is 1. 1

Package v1alpha1 contains API Schema definitions for the ray v1alpha1 API group

Resource Types


AutoscalerOptions specifies optional configuration for the Ray autoscaler.

Appears in: - RayClusterSpec

Field Description Default Validation
resources ResourceRequirements Resources specifies optional resource request and limit overrides for the autoscaler container.
Default values: 500m CPU request and limit. 512Mi memory request and limit.
image string Image optionally overrides the autoscaler's container image. This override is for provided for autoscaler testing and development.
imagePullPolicy PullPolicy ImagePullPolicy optionally overrides the autoscaler container's image pull policy. This override is for provided for autoscaler testing and development.
securityContext SecurityContext SecurityContext defines the security options the container should be run with.
If set, the fields of SecurityContext override the equivalent fields of PodSecurityContext.
More info:
idleTimeoutSeconds integer IdleTimeoutSeconds is the number of seconds to wait before scaling down a worker pod which is not using Ray resources.
Defaults to 60 (one minute). It is not read by the KubeRay operator but by the Ray autoscaler.
upscalingMode UpscalingMode UpscalingMode is "Conservative", "Default", or "Aggressive."
Conservative: Upscaling is rate-limited; the number of pending worker pods is at most the size of the Ray cluster.
Default: Upscaling is not rate-limited.
Aggressive: An alias for Default; upscaling is not rate-limited.
It is not read by the KubeRay operator but by the Ray autoscaler.
Enum: [Default Aggressive Conservative]
env EnvVar array Optional list of environment variables to set in the autoscaler container.
envFrom EnvFromSource array Optional list of sources to populate environment variables in the autoscaler container.
volumeMounts VolumeMount array Optional list of volumeMounts. This is needed for enabling TLS for the autoscaler container.


HeadGroupSpec are the spec for the head pod

Appears in: - RayClusterSpec

Field Description Default Validation
serviceType ServiceType ServiceType is Kubernetes service type of the head service. it will be used by the workers to connect to the head pod
headService Service HeadService is the Kubernetes service of the head pod.
enableIngress boolean EnableIngress indicates whether operator should create ingress object for head service or not.
rayStartParams object (keys:string, values:string) RayStartParams are the params of the start command: node-manager-port, object-store-memory, ...
template PodTemplateSpec Template is the exact pod template used in K8s depoyments, statefulsets, etc.


RayCluster is the Schema for the RayClusters API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string RayCluster
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec RayClusterSpec Specification of the desired behavior of the RayCluster.


RayClusterSpec defines the desired state of RayCluster

Appears in: - RayCluster - RayJobSpec - RayServiceSpec

Field Description Default Validation
enableInTreeAutoscaling boolean EnableInTreeAutoscaling indicates whether operator should create in tree autoscaling configs
autoscalerOptions AutoscalerOptions AutoscalerOptions specifies optional configuration for the Ray autoscaler.
suspend boolean Suspend indicates whether a RayCluster should be suspended.
A suspended RayCluster will have head pods and worker pods deleted.
headServiceAnnotations object (keys:string, values:string)
headGroupSpec HeadGroupSpec HeadGroupSpec is the spec for the head pod
rayVersion string RayVersion is used to determine the command for the Kubernetes Job managed by RayJob
workerGroupSpecs WorkerGroupSpec array WorkerGroupSpecs are the specs for the worker pods


RayJob is the Schema for the rayjobs API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string RayJob
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec RayJobSpec


RayJobSpec defines the desired state of RayJob

Appears in: - RayJob

Field Description Default Validation
submitterPodTemplate PodTemplateSpec SubmitterPodTemplate is the template for the pod that will run ray job submit.
metadata object (keys:string, values:string) Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
rayClusterSpec RayClusterSpec RayClusterSpec is the cluster template to run the job
clusterSelector object (keys:string, values:string) ClusterSelector is used to select running rayclusters by labels
entrypoint string Entrypoint represents the command to start execution.
runtimeEnvYAML string RuntimeEnvYAML represents the runtime environment configuration
provided as a multi-line YAML string.
jobId string If jobId is not set, a new jobId will be auto-generated.
entrypointResources string EntrypointResources specifies the custom resources and quantities to reserve for the
entrypoint command.
ttlSecondsAfterFinished integer TTLSecondsAfterFinished is the TTL to clean up RayCluster.
It's only working when ShutdownAfterJobFinishes set to true.
entrypointNumCpus float EntrypointNumCpus specifies the number of cpus to reserve for the entrypoint command.
entrypointNumGpus float EntrypointNumGpus specifies the number of gpus to reserve for the entrypoint command.
shutdownAfterJobFinishes boolean ShutdownAfterJobFinishes will determine whether to delete the ray cluster once rayJob succeed or failed.
suspend boolean Suspend specifies whether the RayJob controller should create a RayCluster instance
If a job is applied with the suspend field set to true,
the RayCluster will not be created and will wait for the transition to false.
If the RayCluster is already created, it will be deleted.
In case of transition to false a new RayCluster will be created.


RayService is the Schema for the rayservices API

Field Description Default Validation
apiVersion string
kind string RayService
metadata ObjectMeta Refer to Kubernetes API documentation for fields of metadata.
spec RayServiceSpec


RayServiceSpec defines the desired state of RayService

Appears in: - RayService

Field Description Default Validation
serveService Service ServeService is the Kubernetes service for head node and worker nodes who have healthy http proxy to serve traffics.
serviceUnhealthySecondThreshold integer Deprecated: This field is not used anymore. ref:
deploymentUnhealthySecondThreshold integer Deprecated: This field is not used anymore. ref:
serveConfigV2 string Important: Run "make" to regenerate code after modifying this file
Defines the applications and deployments to deploy, should be a YAML multi-line scalar string.
rayClusterConfig RayClusterSpec


ScaleStrategy to remove workers

Appears in: - WorkerGroupSpec

Field Description Default Validation
workersToDelete string array WorkersToDelete workers to be deleted


Underlying type: string

Validation: - Enum: [Default Aggressive Conservative]

Appears in: - AutoscalerOptions


WorkerGroupSpec are the specs for the worker pods

Appears in: - RayClusterSpec

Field Description Default Validation
groupName string we can have multiple worker groups, we distinguish them by name
replicas integer Replicas is the number of desired Pods for this worker group. See for more details about the reason for making this field optional. 0
minReplicas integer MinReplicas denotes the minimum number of desired Pods for this worker group. 0
maxReplicas integer MaxReplicas denotes the maximum number of desired Pods for this worker group, and the default value is maxInt32. 2147483647
rayStartParams object (keys:string, values:string) RayStartParams are the params of the start command: address, object-store-memory, ...
template PodTemplateSpec Template is a pod template for the worker
scaleStrategy ScaleStrategy ScaleStrategy defines which pods to remove