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RayCluster Status


In the RayCluster resource definition, we use State to represent the current status of the Ray cluster.

For now, there are three types of the status exposed by the RayCluster's status.state: ready, unhealthy and failed.

State Description
ready The Ray cluster is ready for use.
unhealthy The rayStartParams are misconfigured and the Ray cluster may not function properly.
failed A severe issue has prevented the head node or worker nodes from starting.

If you use the apiserver to retrieve the resource, you may find the state in the clusterState field.

curl --request GET '<baseUrl>/apis/v1alpha2/namespaces/<namespace>/clusters/<raycluster-name>'
    "name": "<raycluster-name>",
    "namespace": "<namespace>",
    "createdAt": "2022-08-10T10:31:25Z",
    "clusterState": "ready",


If you use the nodeport as service to expose the raycluster endpoint, like dashboard or redis, there are endpoints field in the status to record the service endpoints.

you can directly use the ports in the endpoints to connect to the related service.

Also, if you use apiserver to retrieve the resource, you can find the endpoints in the serviceEndpoint field.

curl --request GET '<baseUrl>/apis/v1alpha2/namespaces/<namespace>/clusters/<raycluster-name>'
    "name": "<raycluster-name>",
    "namespace": "<namespace>",
    "serviceEndpoint": {
        "dashboard": "30001",
        "head": "30002",
        "metrics": "30003",
        "redis": "30004"

Ray Cluster: Monitoring with Prometheus & Grafana

See for more details.

Profiling with KubeRay

See for more details.